Sunday, October 19, 2014

A good kind of crazy

There's something about being an author that makes novel-writing kind of addicting. I've started plenty of books before (see previous posts on my personal history). It was only when I finished my first one that I realized I could do it again.

National Novel Writing Month is almost upon us. Last year, I wrote and completed my second novel, "Shifter," which entered the editing process around August this year after I had finished and released "Dragon's Destiny." I had hopes to complete first edits and rewrite of "Shifter" before November struck, but unforeseen events, depression and inconsistent motivation have made that goal more difficult than I realized. Still, until the October calendar page is flipped, I must plow on in my efforts to complete edits by January. I will probably be taking an editing break during NaNoWriMo.

So here I am again, planning my next novel -- or trying to. I don't know whether I will finish it in a month like I did "Shifter," but I will definitely try. I'm probably crazy, but a good kind of crazy. I mean, 1,667 words a day for a month is a lot more attainable than a lot of goals, though I may lose some sleep doing it.

My third novel, by popular demand, will be a continuation from a short story I wrote over the summer. God willing, I will figure out the rest of my plot before NaNoWriMo begins. If not, I guess I'll just have to start and see what happens. There's nothing like a solid deadline (and a little competition) to get you motivated.

Until next time,
Heather Kennison,

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